On Tuesday October 22nd from 5:30-8pm, listen to presentations by FLFPC's own Dell deChant and Anthony Olivieri and stop by our table at the Tampa Bay Urban Food Sovereignty Summit. This event, hosted by the USF Urban Food Sovereignty Group, is free and open to the public.
Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about food sovereignty and hear from several speakers, including: Dr. Brooke Hansen, Director of Sustainable Tourism at USF, Chris Kenrick, Director of Sweetwater Organic Farm, Anthony Olivieri, Chair of the Development Committee for the Florida Food Policy Council, Dell deChant, Convener USFGrand Master Instructor in the Department of Religious Studies at USF and Co-Chair of the Policy Committee for the FLFPC, as well as Avalon Theisen, Student in the Department of Religious Studies at USF.
For more information, contact cas-rsvp@usf.edu.