The Regular Session for the Florida legislature began on March 2nd. In our previous policy snapshot we highlighted noteworthy Senate legislation to watch. In this month's snapshot, we have gathered the most prominent food legislation moving through the Florida House. Visit the Florida House of Representatives official website for full bill descriptions and actions.
HB 183 – Office of Minority Health and Health Equity
This bill was voted favorable with CS by Professions & Public Health Subcommittee on 3/23. The bill is in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee as of 3/26.
“Requiring the Office of Minority Health and Health Equity to develop and promote the statewide implementation of certain policies, programs, and practices; requiring one representative from each county health department to serve as a minority health liaison for a specified purpose; requiring the Department of Health to maintain specified information on its website; requiring the office to serve as a liaison to and assist certain federal offices, etc.”
HB 267 – State Preemption of Seaport Regulations
The bill was voted favorable with CS by Tourism, Infrastructure & Energy Subcommittee on 3/3 and favorable with CS by Local Administration & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on 4/1. It was laid on Table under Rule 7.18(a) and CS Filed as of 4/2.
“Prohibits local ballot initiative or referendum from restricting maritime commerce in state seaports; provides that such local ballot initiative, referendum, or action adopted therein is prohibited, void, & expressly preempted to state; prohibits municipalities & certain special districts from restricting maritime commerce in state seaports with respect to federally authorized passenger cruise vessel; provides that certain actions relating to such restrictions are prohibited, void, & expressly preempted to state; clarifies remaining authority of certain local entities; provides directive to Division of Law Revis.”
HB 403 – Home-based Business
This bill was voted favorable by Regulatory Reform Subcommittee on 2/18 and favorable with CS by Commerce Committee on 3/9. The bill was temporarily postponed on 2nd Reading as of 3/31.
“Specifies conditions under which business is considered home-based business; authorizes home-based business to operate in residential zone; prohibits local government from certain actions relating to licensure & regulation of home-based business; authorizes specified business owners to challenge certain local government actions; authorizes prevailing party to recover specified attorney fees & costs.”
HB 511 – Fair Repair of Agricultural Equipment
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Requires original equipment manufacturers of agricultural equipment to provide certain manufacturing, diagnostic, & repair information to independent repair providers & owners; prohibits original equipment manufacturers from excluding certain information concerning security-related functions; provides liability.”
HB 517 – School Meals
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Requires district school boards participating in the National School Lunch Program provide meals regardless of ability to pay or unpaid meal charges; provides students be allowed to eat such meal; requires district school boards adopt certain policies regarding unpaid meal charges.”
HB 663 – Cottage Food Operations
This bill was Read 3rd time and CS passed; YEAS 91, NAYS 24 on 4/1.
“Increases annual gross sales limitation for exempting cottage food operations from food & building permitting requirements; authorizes sale, offer for sale, & delivery of cottage food products by mail; preempts regulation of cottage food operations to state; prohibits local governments from prohibiting or regulating cottage food operations.”
HB 669 – Largemouth Bass
This bill was voted favorable with CS by Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee on 3/23. The bill was added to State Affairs Committee agenda as of 4/2.
“Requires FWCC to adopt certain rules; provides for sale of Florida largemouth bass as food fish.”
HB 759 – Donor Human Milk Bank Services
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Regulation of Donor Human Milk Banks; Requires DOH to establish minimum standards regulating donor human milk banks; requires donor human milk banks operating in state to comply with certain standards; requires department to adopt rules.”
HB 737 – Craft Distilleries
This bill was voted favorable by Regulatory Reform Subcommittee on 3/2, favorable by State Administration & Technology Appropriations Subcommittee on 3/11 and favorable with CS by Commerce Committee on 3/24. The bill has been added to Second Reading Calendar as of 3/26.
“Authorizing craft distilleries to be licensed as specified vendors under certain circumstances; requiring certain alcoholic beverages to be obtained through a licensed distributor; prohibiting a distillery from operating as a craft distillery until certain requirements are met; authorizing persons to have common ownership in craft distilleries under certain circumstances; requiring a minimum percentage of a craft distillery’s total finished branded products to be distilled in this state and contain one or more Florida agricultural products after a specified date, etc.”
HB 927 – Aquaculture Land Valuation
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Requires structures & equipment used in production of aquaculture products to be assessed a specified way when the land is assessed using income methodology approach.”
HB 1013 – Urban Agriculture
This bill was voted favorable with CS by Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee on 3/30. The bill is in the State Affairs Committee as of 4/2.
“Authorizes farm equipment to be stored, maintained, or repaired within specified boundaries; exempts urban agriculture equipment from certain requirements; provides that structures located on lands used for urban agriculture are not exempt from specified regulations; authorizes DACS to approve municipal urban agricultural pilot projects; requires municipalities to submit annual reports to DACS; requires DACS to submit annual report to Legislature; provides that urban agriculture is subject to specified regulation.”
HB 1123 – Food Takeout and Delivery Service Fees
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Limits service fees charged to restaurants by third-party food takeout & delivery service applications or Internet websites during declared state of emergency; provides that fees in violation of act are unfair trade practice & subject to penalties & remedies under Florida Deceptive & Unfair Trade Practices Act.”
HB 1191 – Agriculture and Nutrition
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Creates & revises various DACS provisions relating to tax credits for farmers; food commodities purchased by state agencies, universities, & colleges; preference in purchasing agreements & contracts for food commodities; sponsor reimbursements for school breakfast meals; universal free school breakfast & lunch meals; Agricultural Surplus Purchase Program; Local Food Pantry Infrastructure Assistance Grant Program; Healthy Food Access Pilot Program; Produce Prescription Pilot Program; & study of access to affordable & nutritious food; authorizes DACS to contract with third-party vendors; provides appropriations. APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate.”
HB 1257 – Drinking Water in Public Schools
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Requires OPPAGA to conduct study of prevalence & effects of lead in drinking water in public schools; specifies information that must be included in study; requires OPPAGA to consult with district school boards, district boards, & other interested entities; requires OPPAGA to submit study to Governor & Legislature by specified date; provides for future repeal.”
HB 1369 – Disposal of Food Waste Materials
This bill was referred to Regulatory Reform Subcommittee on 3/5
“Requires certain food outlets, food service establishments, schools, & educational facilities to recycle food waste materials at specified locations by specified dates; authorizes DACS to waive requirements for disposal of food waste materials under certain circumstances.”
HB 1399 – Pub. Rec./Aquaculture Records
This bill was voted favorable with CS by Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee on 3/23 and favorable by Government Operations Subcommittee on 3/30. This bill was added to State Affairs Committee agenda as of 4/2.
“Creates exemption from public records requirements for certain aquaculture records; authorizes disclosure of such records under certain conditions; provides for future legislative review & repeal; provides statement of public necessity.”
HB 1535 – Innovative Agricultural Water Quality Enhancement Pilot Program
This bill was placed in in Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee as of 3/5.
“Establishes Innovative Agricultural Water Quality Enhancement Pilot Program within DEP for specified purpose; provides pilot program application & project selection requirements; requires projects to be available for certain inspection; provides that certain projects are eligible for specified funding & continuation of system operations; directs DEP to evaluate pilot program, submit report to Legislature, & adopt rules; provides for future repeal & review of pilot program; provides appropriation. APPROPRIATION: $1,300,000.”
HB 1601 – Farming Operations
This bill was voted favorable with CS by Civil Justice & Property Rights Subcommittee on 3/17 and favorable by Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee on 3/30. The bill has been placed in Judiciary Committee as of 3/30.
“Prohibits farms from being held liable for certain claims for tort liability; provides a burden of proof; prohibits nuisance actions from being filed against farm operations unless specified conditions are met; provides requirements for and limitations on damages; provides that plaintiffs who bring nuisance actions against farm operations are liable for certain costs and expenses.”
HB 1623 – Climate and Resiliency Task Force
The bill has been placed in in Insurance & Banking Subcommittee as of 3/5.
“Requires Commissioner of Insurance Regulation to convene Climate & Resiliency Task Force for specified purposes; provides duties of task force; requires report to Governor, Cabinet, & Legislature.”
HB 6027 – Preemption of Recyclable and Polystyrene Materials
The bill is on 1st reading as of 3/2.
“Removes prohibition of local laws relating to regulation of auxiliary containers, wrappings, & disposable plastic bags; repeals preemption of local laws relating to use or sale of polystyrene products to DACS.”